
Sunday, September 13, 2009

Wasatch 100

Got to pace a good friend Jeff Holdaway in part of the Wasatch 10o. Amazing how he can keep moving so fast thru the heat, up hills all while puking his guts out.

I have to jog to keep up with his walk while going up the hills.

I did not get to see the finish but I know he did. I only hope that I did not slow him down.

Thanks for the chance to run with the big dogs as Jeff is a 100 mile vet.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day

For Labor day I convinced the family to make the 3-1/2 hour trek to go to Lava hot springs and sit in the hot pools. I think they though I was absolutly crazy. We stayed in a little tiny motel, and sat in the pools for the afternoon. After dinner we went back and then everyone crashed. We took the long road home driving through Soda Springs, Bear lake and Cache Valley. We only wanted to get Rasberrys and Squeeky Cheese. We were not able to get either.
I had fun and am glad my family was patient. I loved being with them.